Monday, June 8, 2009

tagged by the princess faithiee. :D

1. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
i didnt even sleep at all :D haha. fever was killing me.

2. Would you consider yourself as a well-being person?

3. Have you ever visited an orphanage or an old folk's?
twice a month. :) proud to say.

4. Have you ever had a best friend who is trustworthy?
yuen hong. :) a bff, in many ways.

5. Do you want someone to be dead?
if satan was dead there wont be sin right?

6. Do you love to go to school?
as days passes, im hating it more and more,
but im just going there cause of friends.

7. Who was the last person who texted you?
its either jason, daniel or yuennie.
i think its yuennie. :D

8. Do you want any food to eat right now?
slices of watermellon and choc dipped strawberries would be nice ;) oh oh ohh! and some cherry tomatoes.
WAIT! tomatoes are consider fruits right? owh crap.

9. What are you doing right now?
facebook. &hating jason khoo. (lol. dont ask)

10. What are you thinking right now?
sleeping! gimme a break, its 4am.

11. List 15 lucky people whom you tag:
  1. estherngjiaen.
  2. xinlei.
  3. phuacardin.
  4. horsuexian.
  5. annabelkok.
  6. loongyuenhong.
  7. yenyi.
  8. germaineleongxiaoxuan.
  9. tanusialetchu.
  10. natalieeng.
  11. teeeejuan.
  12. angelleeweihui.
  13. leongwengyee.
  14. chewchachaa.
  15. jasminechai.

12. Is no.10 is your close friend?
i can say so. iloveeeher.

13. Does no.3 know no.4?
nope. actually, if they knew each other. i think they won't stop talking! haha. you know how suexian is right?! haha. and cardin! hmm. should intro you two next time. :D

14. Is no.13 single?
i think so. err. yes she is.

15. Does no.6 love studying?
whoa. hmm, recently he has been studying. and im PROUDDD!

16. Is no.1 a genius?
HAHA. funny.

17. When was the last time you chatted with no.1?
err. ERR. ERRR? well, i went out with her!

18. Say no.5's characteristic.
omg. ANNIE! what the. err. funny, laughs non stop, very serious (2 secs in one day, that is.) smart, friendly, outgoing, talkative, creative (in some ways lah) have a great fashion sense, Blair! err. enough lah! too much, nanti muka kembang!

19. What will you do if no.14 and no.15 fight?
nahh, they don't know each other.

20. Do you like being friends with no.2 and no.12?
yeah! bff right?

21. Does no.7 have siblings?Yeapp.
let me guess. YES!? i dont know laa.

22. Does no.8 and no.9 love music?
yessss. you guys like music right?

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answer, enter yours, and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of you name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real... nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers, you cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/ girl name question..1.

1. What is your name : Chan Mann.
2. A four Letter Word : Cool.
3. A boy's Name : Chris.
4. A girl's Name : Ciara.
5. An occupation : Cook.
6. A color : Coral blue, Crimson. (oh phew, i study my art!)
7. Something you'll wear : CLOTHES! errr, Coat? Cardigan. CHANEL? Crocs?
8. A food : CARLS JR? Candy, Cookies, Chocolate! Chips, Carbonara, Cake, Cupcakes!
9. A place : California/ Columbia.
10. A reason for being late : Car broke down, was attending a Ceremony.
11. Something you'd shout : CICAK! (to tanu.)
12. A movie title : Confessions of a Shopaholic. :)
13. Something you drink : Champagne, Cadillac Whiskey Sour(nooo i won't. omg, it sucks.)
14. A musical group : Coldplay.
15. An animal : Chimpazee (tanu), Cricket (annabel) -dont ask. i have my own reasons. :D
16. A street name : Cheras? lol. i know its not a street. -.-
17. A type of car : Cooper-Mini Cooper. C type- Jaguar? haha. lol, i dont know.
18. The title of a song : Crush.

i have nothing to do then to blog at 4 in the morning! mind me.
love, M.

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