Saturday, May 2, 2009

faitthhh :)

(im doing this cause im THAT jobless)
Rules and regulation of the tag ;
All 21 people must do unless you don't have a blog.
Write the names of 16 friends you can think of in your head.
And then answer the questions.
Say you're guessing if you don't know,
But at least guess on all of them.
After doing this, tag your 21 "lucky" friends to do the same.
  1. annie bunnie.
  2. ryan, yuen hong.
  3. hannah paneer.
  4. tanusia letchumy a/p sudhakaran (dont kill me)
  5. abiel allen.
  6. angel lee.
  7. cardin.
  8. joselyn
  9. eugene.
  10. ben lim.
  11. chermaine.
  12. daniel siang.
  13. faith chong! (since you put me #3)
  14. absolutsusu. suexian.
  15. aaron chong.
  16. sean sashtyn lawrence :)
  17. chee weng. the bf.
  18. jason k.
  19. chacha.
  20. eeman.
  21. navin.

1. How did you meet 7?
erm. met him like....16 years ago :) lol. my childhood buddy.
2. What would you do if you and 15 had never met?
my world will be up side down.

3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated?
oh.em.gee. annabel *are you seri...iouss?* (lol. inside joke lah! jgn tanya bnkyak!).
but seriously. hmm. Annabel and Ee Man? not a bad idea actuallyy. butif they were together.

ths first question i'll be asking to myseld is WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS WORLD?
4. Have you seen 17 cried?

nope. but i want to! :)
5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple?
lol. first i had to deal with Annabel and Ee Man. now i have to decide whether Tanu and Sean will make a
good couple? lol. wait... tanu... SEAN.. tanu... SEAN!? i dont think i even wanna start a tanu&sean topic.
6. Do you think 11 is attractive?
she's my twin sister. what do you think?
7. What is 2's favourite colour?
black and white.
8. When was the last time you talked to 9?
whoaa! i think last month? i miss you geniee!
9. What language does 8 speaks?
mandrin. but cantonese to me.
10. Who is 13 going out with?
*ahem AHEM* i don't know. but somehow, my friends and i always said that Faith and Roy make a cute couple.
and err. roy.. faith.. dont kill me for saying this here :) AND i know you guys are bestfriends laa. HAHA!
11. Would you ever date 17?
lol. nopee. haha.
12. Where does 18 live?
somewhere far away from my house.

13. What is the best thing about 4?
Tanu is a very.. 'serious' kinda person. and sometimes, when she opens up and try her best to be oh-so-bubbly
she tend to be very awkward. i mean like. normally you tell her something funny, and annie and i will be like
... AHAHAHHA. bang-on-the-table- HAHAHAHha.oh-em-gee! HAHHAHAHA*
after all that laughing and all. she'll just sit quietly and give you this face ------> (~.~) get what i mean?
14. What would you like to tell 10 right now?
benjiz, cepat balik lah! (typical malaysian right?)
15. What is the best thing about 20?
lol. EeMan. he's funny laa. what the hell. stupid boy talking nonsense yesterday!
16. Have you ever kiss 2?
lol. private and confidential right?
17. What is the best memory you have on 5?
Abiel. hmm, the time when we were swimming in sean's house. and when we decided to push sean in the pool, and after all the planning, i was the one who got pushed inside by you and sean? funny? NO. hmm. and also, the times where we bitch about them.
18. When is the next time you're going to see 4?
HELLO LIL TAG HERE! why are you constantly talking about Tanu? anywayy. im seeing her tomorrow. in school.
19. How is 7 different from 6?
Cardin. and Angel. err, their different cause C is a guy and A is a girl. and one talks to me in english, and the other one talks to me in chinese. :) lol. and ironicly. they met each other before. HAHA!
20. Is 2 pretty?
Ryan? lol. my pretty boy. <3
21. What is your first impression on 15?
one word to describe him. FLIPPANT.
he's a CLOWN!
seriously, when have you people ever seen aaron chong serious in your life? (accept when its chapel or something laa)
22. How did you meet 3?
in church! :)
23. Is 5 your best friend?
he can be if i want him to be :) haha. but we're the.. 'HEY abiel.. *talk talk talk* "
BELL RINGS!! go back to class. KINDA person.
24. Do you hate 12?
NO no and NO! daniel, and gang is the reason why i go to church. ;)
25. Have you seen 18 in the last month?
yeah. BTW, i just saw him yesterday. lol. yeah yeah yeahh. and i was texting him also. lol. funny dummy!
26. When was the last time you saw 16?
in school i guess?
27. Have you been to 5's house?
nope. cause he stays far far far away.
28. When's the next time u'll see 10?
when he comes back with lots of candies :)
29. Are you close to 11?
lol. for the last time im saying this. SHE'S MY TWIN. :)
30. Have you been to the movies with 4?
obviously. :) the last movie i watched with her was confessions of a shopaholic. and *something happen in the cinema* -winks winks-
31. Have you gotten trouble with 18?
yeah. -.- yesterday. ahhaa. but it wasnt a MAJOR trouble laa.
32. Would you give 19 a hug?
i haven't. but now i will. *HUGS* wait.. let me add some kisses. *XOXO*s.
33. When have you lied to 3?
seriously, Hannah. i just realised i never lie to you before, cause i can be honest with you AT ALL TIMES.
for some reasons, we agree on the same thing. :)
34. Is 11 good at socializing?
my CM. the NOISE she makes in class. lol. actually, same as me laa. :) aren't a good sociali-zer? : (
35. Do you know a secret about 8?
Joselyn. :) YEAHHH!
36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18.
lol. coincidence! their from the same school. i think? used to be.
37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9?
i love him the way he is. cause he's my bestie. i get to share my feelings with him and stuff, and plus. he's that guy who was always there for me when i needed someone to talk to. _eugene low hong joo :)
38. Have you ever had a crush on 12?
maybe? HAHA! nolah. we're just friends.
39. How long have you known 2?
2 years. and in that two years, theres was abit of *sparks* :) it was up and down, but im just glad i know him :)
40. Does 11 have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
CherMaine? boyfriend? lol. yeah. ANNABEL!
41. Have you ever wanted to punch 1 on the face?
Annabel? hmm. punch her on the face? WHY! WOULD! I. or maybe.. i dont kno..oww.
(* annie.. in that tone.*)
42. Has 21 meet your parents?
Navin? yeah. used to go to his house almost everyday last time. haha. he's studying in langkawi now.
future pilot laa. jgn main-main!
43. How did you meet 11?
in school. (seriously, this tag is getting annoying! first it kept asking about Tanusia, now.. it keeps asking me questions about CherMaine.) alrighty lil tag here! im getting paranoid. the next question you ask about chermaine i'll just give you a =.= as my answer.
WAIT! what in a holy cow world am i doing talking to A TAG!? or what i meant. why am i talking to THE QUESTION!?
44. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3?
i dont think i have right? hannah?
45. Do you live close to 7?
err. *cardin.. where do you stay again?*
46. What is 8's favourite food?
she doesn't like food. she just likes eating CANDIES. and plus, her friend's name is Candy. see what i mean?

47. What kind of car does 1 have?
a green-ish jeep. (sorry, im bad at cars)
48. Have you traveled anywhere with 9?

nope. but we went to a camp together :) well, i wasn't close with him yet laa.
49. If you give 14 a $100, What would he/she spend it on?
her asam laksas in thursday pasar malams. or she might save it to buy that toy camera in her blog. and BTW! that pink one was CUTE. and not ALL bimbo's use PINK! or shall i say the colour PINK isnt ONLY for BIMBO's. its for CUTE girls. LIKE ME. AND FAITH :D (*ahem* faith. quickly agree*)
50. What is so great bout 13?
FAITH! you BETTER AGREE ON question 49! :)
anywayy, faith, faith, and more faith. faith gives faith to other people. IM SERIOUS. like what roy said in his blog. during sports day, faith will be at the finish line congratualating you even if you lost or won. whether you're her friend or now, she'll try to be by your side comforting you. she's that ONE girl who keeps her feelings aside, and be so so so bubbly, she's that girl out of like bagazilions girls in this world whom you'll never see PMS-ing. im not THAT close to her. we're just the-bimbo-get-along kind (OHMYGOD? did i just call myself a bimbo?) err. leave that for now. but FAITH! she's that ONE girl who can actually motivate.. MANY people :) aww. and you better thank me for writing such a long thingy about you! :D
and plus, i was once FAITH's bolster.
OHKAY! since you people are oh-so-eager to know :)
i shall explain why. last time, i stayed over at faith's house. so.. i was happily sleeping. Zzz.ZZzz.ZZzzz.ZzzZZzzzz.
and then suddenly. i felt someone literally SQUEEZING me. so after that wonderful dream i had. i opened my gorgeous eyes. and saw faith's face RIGHT INFRONT OF MY FACE. so im like "err, faithh?" then she's still happily sleeping. so i left her alone. the next morning.
i was like "faith, why were you hugging me?" and she was like " I WAS? i thought you were my bolster :("
then.. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" ..." :D "

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